HR Platform Kickoff
December 5, 2018 - News
The R&D group has partnered with Enterprise partners (EP) to support factories at Hawassa industrial park with their HR and HRD related challenges. It had been identified that factories face different challenges in managing their workforce and it is by far one of the most pressing issues that affect productivity in the park.
With this regard, this intervention is expected to help alleviate these issues through the development of an HR guideline, from which factories can refer to when designing policies, make strategic, legal and day to day HR decisions; the provision of recommendations of best practices and local context of HRD through assessment and analysis of the situation in the park; set up an HR service center, that will serve as a help desk for factories HR department and provide trainings based of identified gaps.
The kickoff meeting was held to introduce the project deliverables and objectives to project stakeholders, introduce R&D and its project team to factories and create ownership of the project among stakeholders. Participants were informed about general HR challenges from factories and HR managers were introduced to R&D Group where R&D presented the main task of the intervention, the development of an HR guideline, from which factories can refer to when designing policies, make strategic, legal and day to day HR decisions.
The HR help desk was launched and a brochure containing the information on the help desk was circulated. Further, it was agreed that factories would collaborate with the R&D team on the assessment. EP and R&D were requested to send a schedule for the assessment, which was circulated last week. The assessment began on the same day after the meeting was held with few factories and continued in the next days as well.